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Best Ways to take care of your Car in the Fall

Best Ways to take care of your Car in the Fall

The changing seasons is always a good time to give your car a bit of TLC, or Fall car care. Not only is it good for your car, but it also is best for your safety on the road. Nobody likes a roadside breakdown or an unsafe car on the road. Below are the best quick and inexpensive checks you can do at home. If you’re a bit wary of cars, we suggest you take your vehicle in for a quick check by a car service Westshore mechanic. However, following our tips below, you’ll get the hang of checking your car regularly without any assistance. Let’s begin!


Wiper Blades

Wiper Blades


Your car’s wiper blades more than likely got scorched in the summer sun, which damaged the rubber on the blades. This easy used car maintenance tip ensures you won’t be driving on a whim in the harsh snow and rain (that’s definitely coming soon). Thankfully, wiper blades are quite inexpensive to buy and replace, and you can do this job in a jiffy. 


Defroster, Heater and Air Filter

Defroster, Heater and Air Filter


Next is to test your car’s defroster and heater. Once you’ve noticed the frost-filled mornings coming, you can test your car’s defroster and heater to see how long it takes to heat up the cabin. If it’s taking more time than usual, you should have these systems checked out by a professional. We also recommend that you check your car’s air filter. If you know how to take the air filter out, you can do a quick check with a standard 60-watt bulb. Simply place the lightbulb in front of the air filter and check if you can see through it. If you’re unable to see through the air filter, it’s time to replace it. If you’re unsure how to do all this, it’s better to take it to a professional who’ll do this inexpensive service for you.


Oil Check 

Oil Check


You must check your car’s oil level. Check your vehicle’s owner manual for recommended oil-change intervals. Take out the oil dipstick and wipe it down before you put it back into the tube. Have a very close look at the oil on the tip of the dipstick when you withdraw the dipstick again. It should have oil on it. You need an oil refill urgently if there’s no oil between the two lines. Your car’s engine can seize if there’s no oil, and that’s a mountain of headaches and repair costs. 


Checking Other Fluids 

Checking Other Fluids


The last Fall car maintenance tip is to ensure that you also check the vehicle’s other fluids. The engine and other car parts require many fluids to run at optimum levels. Check the transmission, brake, washer and power-steering fluids. You must top these fluids up if they’re not at minimum safety levels (as per your vehicle’s owner’s manual).

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